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Live questions & polling for your interactive audience

We have a large number of different forms of polls both in terms of input methods and different forms of results. Buttons with one or more answers, image answers, ranking, scales etc.

Real-time segmentation

Segmenting results is a very effective way of looking at an answer from a new or more in-depth perspective. An example: in which region do you like dogs the most? If you have chosen which region you belong to in the registration, you can then at the event ask a question about whether you are a dog or cat person e.g., and then segment the result based on regions. You can use data from the registration or answers on another question as a basis for the segmentation. You can choose to look at all segments or filter out one or a number of segments.


In Twebcast, results are a separate function that can be linked to a specific question. This means that you can choose where and how a result should be presented. Maybe you don’t want to present the result in direct connection with the question? You can choose whether you want to present a result on a screen in a studio, on a stage or directly in the participant's view. Or in several places at the same time. Where and how you present your results is entirely up to the  producer of the event.

A couple of special features in Twebcast include:

  • QR response - Answer questions via the app by scanning different alternative QR codes (eg on quizzes, you can’t cheat and help each other out).
  • Matrices - Here you answer by placing a marker in a matrix. The result is displayed as an animated cluster with a weighted average.
  • Scale - Distribute 100% between two different options.
  • “Raise your hand” - With your mobile phone in your hand, you raise your hand to vote yes or no. Just like an old show of hands, but with the difference that you get a real-time result linked to the show of hands. In addition, those the people on stage will get get a nice visual image of the answer - red and green screens glowing in the audience.


More features


We have a large number of different forms of polls both in terms of input methods and different forms of results. Buttons with one or more answers, image answers, ranking, scales etc. Everything can be designed exactly as you want.

Real-time segmentation:

Segmenting results is a very effective way of looking at an answer from a new or more in-depth perspective. An example: in which region do you like dogs the most? If you have chosen which region you belong to in the registration, you can then at the event ask a question about whether you are a dog or cat person e.g., and then segment the result based on regions. You can use data from the registration or answers on another question as a basis for the segmentation. You can choose to look at all segments or filter out one or a number of segments.


In Twebcast, results are a separate function that can be linked to a specific question. This means that you can choose where and how a result should be presented. Maybe you don’t want to present the result in direct connection with the question? You can choose whether you want to present a result on a screen in a studio, on a stage or directly in the participant's view. Or in several places at the same time. Where and how you present your results is entirely up to the  producer of the event.

A couple of special features in Twebcast include:

  • QR response. Answer questions via the app by scanning different alternative QR codes (eg on quizzes, you can’t cheat and help each other out).
  • Matrices. Here you answer by placing a marker in a matrix. The result is displayed as an animated cluster with a weighted average.
  • Scale. Distribute 100% between two different options.
  • “Raise your hand”. With your mobile phone in your hand, you raise your hand to vote yes or no. Just like an old show of hands, but with the difference that you get a real-time result linked to the show of hands. In addition, those the people on stage will get get a nice visual image of the answer - red and green screens glowing in the audience.

Want to create an event with this feature?

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Thank you for your interest in our services. Please send your contact information and one of our representatives will be in touch with you to answer your questions. Generally within 45 minutes. We look forward to the opportunity to assist you

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We have a large number of different forms of polls both in terms of input methods and different forms of results. Buttons with one or more answers, image answers, ranking, scales etc. Everything can be designed exactly as you want.

Real-time segmentation:

Segmenting results is a very effective way of looking at an answer from a new or more in-depth perspective. An example: in which region do you like dogs the most? If you have chosen which region you belong to in the registration, you can then at the event ask a question about whether you are a dog or cat person e.g., and then segment the result based on regions. You can use data from the registration or answers on another question as a basis for the segmentation. You can choose to look at all segments or filter out one or a number of segments.


In Twebcast, results are a separate function that can be linked to a specific question. This means that you can choose where and how a result should be presented. Maybe you don’t want to present the result in direct connection with the question? You can choose whether you want to present a result on a screen in a studio, on a stage or directly in the participant's view. Or in several places at the same time. Where and how you present your results is entirely up to the  producer of the event.

A couple of special features in Twebcast include:

  • QR response. Answer questions via the app by scanning different alternative QR codes (eg on quizzes, you can’t cheat and help each other out).
  • Matrices. Here you answer by placing a marker in a matrix. The result is displayed as an animated cluster with a weighted average.
  • Scale. Distribute 100% between two different options.
  • “Raise your hand”. With your mobile phone in your hand, you raise your hand to vote yes or no. Just like an old show of hands, but with the difference that you get a real-time result linked to the show of hands. In addition, those the people on stage will get get a nice visual image of the answer - red and green screens glowing in the audience.

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